Wednesday 8 September 2010

100% Good?

Is there anything that is 100% good. From the list I started off with what I thought was good, everything seems to have its good points but also a few points people may disagree on or believe might be bad. I think that it depends on looking at something good from different aspects.

This below is the list I started with to look at vaguely to see whether the topics were "Good". I have now summed up the pro's and con's of the topics.


Like the Gill Sans typeface I looked at I found really interesting, however how do I prove that Gill Sans was the best type for London transport rather than other existing types. Maybe some people see it not a characteristics type that suits the London Transport

Slang – Cockney

I really think the concept was good for criminals to talk in a different language so police and public couldn't understand what they were talking about. However this wasn't good from the Police's aspect as they were unsure what the criminals were planning.

New Environments

Traveling new places to see new cultures is good to gain a greater understanding of different cultures. But some people would argue they would rather save their money and look at a place on the internet. So the argument can be good and bad.

Money (if you have it)

Money is good if you have it so you have no worries. But some people can argue that money can spoil life's aswel.


Comedy is good for making you laugh which is good but some people will say that certain jokes aimed at different audiences are not so good.


To use a bike is good for your fitness ect. But comparing Leeds to Berlin it seems that the drivers here are less road considerate than Berlin and are weary of using bikes as transport.


I don't think to many people can complain to much about recycling, but again there will be people who may disagree with how the recycling system is controlled by the government.

Mixing Paints (Patterns)

Something I really like is starring at paint mixing in patterns but I think there would be alot of people who would find it really boring to look at.

Road Signs

Road signs are good because everyone who drives can understand them and are a set of rules. However again people who may have lost life's have questioned why or not there have road signs on certain roads or certain speed limits.

Illustrated T-shirts

Really getting into t-shirt illustrations at the minute, appreciating the illustrations, but there are people I know who wouldn't want to wear any branding names.


Split down the middle people would either like the game or prefer something else instead.

Sound Systems

Something which has became more interesting to me since i've moved to Leeds but it all depends on what music genre you like

Handcrafted Type

Again Split down the middle some people may be interested in Hand crafted type or prefer computer based.


Newspapers are good but know you can search the news on the internet so are newspapers slowly dying out?

Thermal Photography Police Helicopters

Ideal for the Police forces but because of the energy consumption is it wise to still be used?

Urban Knitters

Are they littering the streets or is it art? Same debate as Graffiti


Is relying on medication good for us or does it weaken the immune system?


Anything you get for free is good but if you decide you don't want it how do you dispose it? recycle it? Throw it in a bin?

***After all the list there are arguments debating good sides to the topic but also bad sides or sides where people don't agree at all. I have got to find a way to convince something is good.***

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