Tuesday 14 September 2010


Orangey delight
Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger


Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger

Date:27/02/10 (50 review reads)

Advantages: unisex, smells lush

Disadvantages: none

I first found this 'flavour' of shower gel in a box of free samples called the Matter Box which my boyfriend randomly got sent. We got a small bottle and both loved the smell and he allready loved the brand (being a mint and tea tree worshipper) so ever since we had been on the look out for a big bottle.

This brand is often on offer and I actually wait until it is on offer because they are that frequent. We finally found this flavour in Tesco on 342 (told ya) so picked up 3 bottles for I think about £4. (one for me, one for him and one for spares!)

I like this brand because all of the products are natural, are suitable for vegans and they do really refresh you after a shower (I dont like the mint one though - its too tingly). To me the best thing about this shower gel is the smell though. It is supposed to be orange and ginger flavour but to me it smells like the sugar barley sweets my granny used to give me when I was little. It is a really sweeet smell and you can sort of pick out the orange and ginger if you really try. It smells so good though that I often use loads in the shower just to smell it!

I also end up using loads because I think it is relatively hard to work this into a lather and when I put it on my hand first, quite a bit ends up just clumping off into the plug hole - getting wasted, what a shame. I have even started using small bits but more often, rather than just squirting out all I want to use at once to try and minimise wastage. I can find that when you only want to get a small amount out, the valve thing at the bottom means you do have to squeeze pretty hard.

The shower gel is a bright orange colour as shown in the picture. It is good though as it doesnt make you go orange! This means though that both my boyfriend and I will use it as he doesnt like to use my soap and glory things which are a bit girly and pink for him (double bonus for me.)

The only thing that annoys me and this is only a tiny thing as I really dont care, is that this says for men on it. I dont think it is a particularly masculine product or smell so I think this is a bit of an oversight. maybe it is to make more men buy it, but I think that of the range, this is actually one of the more girly products. I still really like it and use it though!

Summary: 5/5

SSSSSweet, Spicy and Sexy
Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger


Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger

Date:19/02/10 (17 review reads)

Advantages: Good Texture, Smell, Price and Effectiveness

Disadvantages: None

Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger costs £1.92 from Tesco for a 250ml bottle, which I think is a pretty reasonable price. It's presently on offer at 2 bottles for £3, though I've noticed that this brand is more often on offer for £1 a bottle. That's when I tend to stock up on these babies of course.

This hair and body wash is unisex really, though I think it's intended for men. How many women do you know who are satisfied with washing their hair with their shower gel?! So with that in mind, it's not surprising that it's got quite a masculine scent to it.

I really like how this smells so spicy and yet sweet at the same time. The ginger and orange compliment each other surprisingly well, and this makes the whole bathroom smell really nice for a good hour or so after use. I like that this stays in my hair for a good day or so as well and even other people have noticed it.

The texture of this stuff is thick, and a little seems to go a long way. You can tell that this product hasn't been watered to death just by looking at it, which is why it has to cost a little bit more than the Tesco own equivilant does. This produces a really good lather that effectively cleans all over. It leaves me smelling great and feeling nice and clean after use.

Summary: Highly Recommended

Not just for men!
Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger


Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger

Date:04/02/10 (25 review reads)

Advantages: Smells great

Disadvantages: None!

Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger

Description: Brand: Original Source / Type: Body Wash / Cleanser / Mens shower wash.

If anyone has read any of my earlier reviews (thank you very much, I really appreciate all reads, rates and comments!) then they are likely to already know that I love hair and body products and am frequently to be found perusing the aisles in the supermarket or chemist, to see what is new.

It was actually Mr Siamese who first bought this product, claiming that it was for men and that I shouldn't use it! Well of course that was like throwing down a gauntlet where I was concerned and as soon as I went in the shower, I reached for this gel to see what I thought!

The shower gel comes in 250ml bottles which are clear, allowing you to see the gel inside. The Original Source label is on the front and the bottle is designed to sit upside down, allowing the product to always be ready to squeeze out, even when there is only a little left. The lid snaps open and shut which is handy as it means it doesn't drop off and fall to the floor of the shower when you open it. The actual gel is a warm orange colour.

A 250ml bottle will cost you around £1.99 and can be found in supermarkets and chemists along with other items in the Original Source range.

The fragrance of the shower gel is great, it is a spicy orange scent with hints of ginger which really make you feel awake and alert. Although this is marketed towards men, it is a scent that I am sure most women will like too, as it isn't too masculine.

The gel creates an okay lather, not as frothy as some products but certainly effective enough at washing you all over and leaving your skin feeling clean and fresh. I have sensitive skin and have had no problems using this shower gel.

I tend to find that most products in the Original Source range have really enticing aromas and this one is no exception, the spicy orange fragrance is so nice that it will make you want to taste it, it is just a shame that it doesn't really linger on skin after you get dried.

If you haven't tried this one yet, then you definitely should, no matter whether you are male or female!

Summary: Make your own mind up!

Spicy Orange Riot!
Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger


Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger

Date:18/11/09 (50 review reads)

Advantages: Great smell, wakes you up in the morning...

Disadvantages: Doesn't lather up as well as their other products

I have long been a fan of Original Source shower gel products, particularly their Lime shower gel and also their Mint and Tea Tree Oil shower gel and so thought i'd give their new male targeted product a try, Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger. Here are my thoughts on the product after having tried it over the past 2 weeks or so:


The product has the same packaging as Original Source's traditional shower gel products, a clear plastic elongated triangle which allows you to see the vivid orange colour of the gel inside, with Original Source's distinctive black label and cap. It looks great, but doesn't always sit will in the shower tray (only a small gripe).


Each bottle of Original Source Hair and Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger contains 10 real oranges. You really notice this when you crack open the bottle, it gives off a delightful citrus aroma, but you can also definitely pick up on the ginger extract. Think of it as a spicy orange smell. The fact that it's a hair and body wash rather than their traditional shower gels also means that you can have a one product shower, rather than swapping between shower gel and shampoo. The standard bottle is 250ml, I've had my bottle for 2 weeks and have just under half the bottle left.


As previously stated the smell of the gel is great, and the citrus really gives you a boost when you stumble out of bed on a Monday morning. I would say however that it doesn't lather up quite as well as Original Source's other shower gels. This means that you have to use a little more to get the same effect as their other shower gels. Also agree with one other reviewer on here - I cannot see why the product is targeted only at males (it says on the back of the bottle "Male grooming isn't new - even Alexander the Great was into it"). This is a unisex shower product if I ever saw one, in fact my sister tried it whilst she was staying and loved it. It's not a particularly masculine product.

All in all a great product which gets you clean and fresh and wakes you up, just be prepared to use a little more to get the lather levels up!

Summary: Not Just For Men!

Don't Approach This Too Gingerly- As The Kick Is In The Root!
Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger


Original Source Hair & Body Wash with Orange Oil and Ginger

Date:17/03/09 (111 review reads)

Advantages: Wakes you up !

Disadvantages: It isn't great at hair washing.

A few years ago when Original Source were just starting out you could join their mailing list and each week for a few weeks you would receive free samples of their products to try. I used to eagerly await my lovely little parcels, and was always 100% delighted with the limited range they had then.

Having gone from strength to strength the company now has probably one of the most appealing and exciting websites, which is as innovative and interesting as the ever expanding products on offer.

This review is about a product they have designed just for men. Most of their products are unisex, with some, like Tea Tree and Mint leaning towards the male user, and ones like Lavender more towards the female, but this one is really just for men. Called Orange Oil and Ginger this is not only a body wash, but it claims to double as a hair wash too!

I purchased this for my husband and son, so with a 30 year age gap was able to accurately gage the opinions of them to represent both generations.

The bottle is the standard Original Source container which is a tall triangular affair with the flip top lid at the bottom. It retails for £1.93 in Boots, but you may be able to find it on special offer elsewhere.

According to Original Source "male grooming isn't new- even Alexander the Great was into it!" This is a bold statement by them, but I think they have broken into the market dominated by products like Lynx to make a refreshing an exhilarating set of products. There are two others in the range, Norwegian Sea kelp and Rock Salt and Eucalyptus and Basil.

This Orange and Ginger Shower Gel has a wonderful aroma just like root ginger. It isn't the same as the weaker powdered form, but if you buy a root and slice into it and steep it in boiling water this is the intense smell that comes . This ginger root is what really gives the gel its kick, and the orange oil gives the gel a lovely amber colour, but as a perfume is not discernable at all as the ginger really overwhelms the fragrance. It smells like a new tray of gingerbread which has just come out of the oven on bonfire night-wonderful. Orange oil stimulates circulation and is known for softening rough skin. Ginger oil is sharp, pungent, aromatic, peppery and warm, and is great for reducing inflammation, so if you wake up stiff and achy this could be for you. it also reduces drowsiness and irritability so this could be great if you wake up feeling a bit bad tempered. It gets the brain going and stimulates appetite, so with a good breakfast the two marry toether to make a great start to the day.

It cleans really well and both my husband and my son said it made them feel really refreshed and awake. It actually contains the oil from 10 oranges so the citrus content helps to ensure that just showered feeling. Hubby said he felt fresh all day, which is good as he works in London and is subjected to a 2 hour journey each day on crowded trains, and he felt he could still enjoy a faint after smell from the product, but this was reduced by his after shave.

Both said to keep it out of eyes as it does sting, and both also said they would only use it as a shampoo in an emergency as it does not have the conditioning properties, so I would not give it 5* as certainly an alternative shampoo is needed by both who tried it.

It is not tested on animals and they work closely with the vegan society and are members of The Aromatherapy Council. It contains no synthetic perfumes or fragrances.

I think this is a product I would recommend to any man who fancies a change in the bathroom, it is great to waken you up in the morning, especially if like my boys you are sleepy and tired first thing. It isn't relaxing and isn't meant to be either, it's a citrus wake up call and a great one at that!

Summary: A New One To Try!

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