Monday 13 September 2010

Animal Welfare

animal welfare

The People's Choice for Animal Welfare

Back in October 2008, we were awarded the first ever Lifetime Achievement Award by the RSPCA for our leadership position on animal welfare. Amongst other achievements, these awards recognised the following:

We offer the largest range of RSPCA Freedom Food-labelled products in the UK. Find out more about our position on animal welfare in food production.

We became the first UK supermarket to ban animal testing for our own-brand toiletries and cosmetics.
Find out more about our stance on cruelty free cosmetics, toiletries and household products.

We do not sell any products containing fur. In addition,The Co-operative Bank’s Ethical Policy states that it will not finance any business involved with the fur trade, and the Ethical Engagement Policy of The Co-operative Insurance and The Co-operative Investments states that they will encourage the companies in which they invest to end the trade in fur. The policies feature several other animal welfare statements, on issues such as animal testing and intensive farming. In 2009, the bank's Ethical Policy was relaunched. As a result, the bank will not finance any organisation involved in the exploitation of great apes, e.g. in experimentation or general commercial use.

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