Tuesday, 17 August 2010

New Environments & Exploration

Something I really like is to explore when I go to a new place and see what's their ect. I'm not sure how it can be proved as good. Maybe from a Designers aspect to see what's happening in other cities for inspiration.

For example I have just been to visit a friend I Bristol, as soon as I got their I found a bike so we were able to get around the city quickly and explore the city to see what's there.

Some photographs taken at Bristol.

Abandoned Building
Lighthouse at Portishead about ten miles from Bristol. A seaside town.
Picture of the formations of Rocks on the way to Portishead.
Tides out nice photograph of the light on the sand bed.
Some graffiti I saw on the way - Rad
Photograph from the house I stayed at. Like the painted houses. Something that you wouldn't see in Nottingham or Leeds.
Bright coloured houses. View again from house I stayed at.
Urban knitters in Bristol again never seen this before. City of art culture.
Car boot- BSA bike £20
Too many drinks at a business meeting.
Graffiti in Bristol - Gumbo, really like the colour scheme used.

What kind of things do I look out for?

Painting halls of fame
Independent events
Places to take photographs of scenery or things I find interesting
Bike rides to places further away if country lanes or industrial estates or main roads
Look at new modern architecture
Take photos of old abandoned buildings

Someone people will not agree but it's being outside that I really like rather than being sat inside on a computer or feel limited to a certain place. Maybe it's the freedom that I like to travel. I think that alot of research for Graphic designers is based upon the internet, which I agree is a good source but I feel that to be original youve have to get out their and travel and explore, look at exhibitons, drawing events or different envirionments to help influence your design.

It would be hard to prove that exploring is good, using facts and figures. Maybe I'll have to leave this out.

History of Exploration
Hanno the Navigator best known for his exploration for the African coast 500BC. Earliest Explorer found.
Loads more in-between the time till Christopher Columbus
And the theres the exploration of Mount Everest.
Maybe I could look at the exploration of space, Neil Armstrong 1966. First man on the moon.
How would I prove that Space Exploration is good?

"I put up my thumb and it blotted out the planet Earth"
Neil Armstrong

Maybe I could do a section of exploration, pirates, space, Mount Everest and try to prove that it is good???

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